Patrick Siu Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition 蕭燿漢書畫展覽


You are cordially invited to

Patrick Siu Chinese Calligraphy & Painting Exhibition


2 July (Saturday) to 16 July 2016 (Saturday)
Opening Ceremony: 9 July (Saturday) at 11 am


Chinese Cultural Centre



Opening hours : Monday to Saturday, 10 am to 1 pm; 1:30 pm to 4 pm (Sundays closed)

Venue : Chinese Cultural Centre, Street Level, 799 Pacific Highway, Chatswood,

Corner of Victoria Avenue and Katherine Street, near Chatswood Railway Station


Invitation in English

For more information, please visit:

A selection of Patrick’s works

Dwelling among the autumn colours (山居幽賞入秋多), Dated 2014, 97 x 53.5 cm
Dwelling among the autumn colours (山居幽賞入秋多), Dated 2014, 97 x 53.5 cm


Autumn scene (紅樹滿山), Dated 2015, 100 x 56 cm
Autumn scene (紅樹滿山), Dated 2015, 100 x 56 cm


Bungle Bungles Western Australia (西澳邦哥古山脈), Dated 2016, 100 x 50 cm
Bungle Bungles Western Australia (西澳邦哥古山脈), Dated 2016, 100 x 50 cm


Watsons Bay Sydney (雪梨屈臣氏灣懸崖), Dated 2015, 100 x 50 cm
Watsons Bay Sydney (雪梨屈臣氏灣懸崖), Dated 2015, 100 x 50 cm


Mitchell Falls Western Australia (西澳米歇爾瀑布 ), Dated 2016, 100 x 50 cm
Mitchell Falls Western Australia (西澳米歇爾瀑布), Dated 2016, 100 x 50 cm


Writings from Meng Tze in clerical script 古之人得志澤加於民 (隸書, 136 x 68 cm
Writings from Meng Tze in clerical script 古之人得志澤加於民 (隸書, 136 x 68 cm


Diamond Sutra on Tai Shan 泰山經石峪金剛經
Excerpt from Diamond Sutra on Tai Shan 泰山金剛經, 136 x 68 cm


Excerpt from Diamond Sutra on Tai Shan 泰山金剛經, 136 x 68 cm
Excerpt from Diamond Sutra on Tai Shan 泰山金剛經, 136 x 68 cm


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Words adapted from Diamond Sutra on Tai Shan (transition from clerical script to regular script) 集泰山金剛經字: 知足常樂 能忍斯寧 (隸書, 楷書之間), 136 x 68 cm



Poem of Li Bo (regular script) 李白 早發白帝城 (楷書), 132 x 66 cm
Poem of Li Bo (regular script) 李白 早發白帝城 (楷書), 132 x 66 cm


Poem of Meng Jiao:"Wanderer's Song" (regular script) 孟郊 遊子吟 (楷書), 128 x 59 cm
Poem of Meng Jiao:”Wanderer’s Song” (regular script) 孟郊 遊子吟 (楷書), 128 x 59 cm


Stele for Cao E (曹娥碑)





(碑文) 孝女曹娥者,上虞曹盱之女也。其先與周同祖,末胄荒流,爰來(茲)適居。盱能撫節安(按)歌,婆娑樂神。漢安二年五月五日迎伍君,逆濤而上,為水所淹,不得其屍。時娥年十四(歲),號慕思盱,哀吟澤畔,旬有七日,遂自投江死,經五日抱父屍出。以漢安迄于(於)元嘉元年青龍辛卯,莫之有表。度尚設祭誄之。




Cao E (曹娥)

A young girl called Cao E (曹娥)(130–143CE) was a native of Shangyu (上虞)(today 浙江紹興 Shaoxing of Zhejiang). She was the daughter of Cao Xu (曹盱) . Cao Xu was a shaman who was talented in singing and dancing. In 143 CE, while Cao Xu was presiding over a ceremony on a boat commemorating Wu Zixu (伍子) during the Duanwu Festival, a sudden strong gale shook the boat and he fell into the river and was drowned. Cao E was overwhelmed with grief. She, in an act of filial piety courageously decided to search for her father along the river for 17 days but could not find the body of her father. Cao E eventually dived into the water. After 5 days, she emerged holding her father’s body. Though dead, her face appeared as if she was alive.  People in Zhejiang (浙江) commemorated Cao E for her filial piety.


Bibliography and further readings :

宋搨越册楷帖十一種 (臨川李氏藏) (1937) 文明書局, 中華書局 (有注釋)

Professor WONG Wai Cheong writing a Poem of Lin Bu (林逋) in running script





偶錄和靖先生詩 戊申 (1968) 冬  黄維琩 (白紋方印: 欣園)


(語譯) 在夕陽下山峰、大橫石和樹頂都染上了紅色, 數座大漁網的倒影在水中呈現。

我記得這是江南風景的特色, (這種如詩如畫 的美景) 好像我以前看過的巨然大屏風名畫在我眼前。

The poem depicts an evening scene with the hill tops, rocks and tree tops bathed in red in the setting sun.  There were a few panels of fishing nets with reflections in the water. The scene reminded me of Jiangnan and was akin to the big screen landscape painting of Ju Ran.

榜 – 划船用的工具,  a paddle for rowing a boat, in the poem may mean panels (of fishing net)

魚罾 – 漁網的一種。俗稱扳罾﹑攔河罾, a fishing net

江南 – Jiangnan,  – a geographic area in China referring to lands immediately to the south of  Yangtze River, including the southern part of the Yangtze Delta

屏風 – a fixed or movable upright partition usually decorated with paintings used to divide a room, to give shelter from drafts, heat, or light, or to provide concealment or privacy.
巨然 – Ju Ran (10th century) was a great master of Chinese landscape painting of the late Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms (五代十國) and early Northern Song periods. He was a student of Dong Yuan (董源). Very little is known about his life, and not even his family name is known (Ju Ran is his Buddhist name). He might be a native of Zhong Ling (鐘陵)(today Jiangxi 江西) or Jiàn yè (建業)(today Jiāngsū 蘇). Ju Ran worked at the Southern Tang (南唐) court and he quickly rose to prominence as a landscape painter. He was a student of Dong Yuan ( 董源). Together with Dong Yuan, they are respectfully called ‘Dong Ju’ (董巨).
董源夏景山日待渡圖1 (2)
A small portion of Dong Yuan Waiting for a boat on a summer day 董源夏景山日待渡圖 (kept in Liaoning Provincial Museum 遼寧省博物館)


A fisherman holding a fish net
A fisherman holding a fish net in Dong Yuan Waiting for a boat on a summer day 董源夏景山日待渡圖


A fish net attached to a pier (Dong Yuan Waiting for a boat on a summer day 董源夏景山日待渡圖


A few panels of fishing nets before lowering them into the water (數榜魚罾)


Lin Bu (林逋)( c967- 1028) also known as Junfu (君復and Hé Jìng Xiānshēng(和靖先生) was a Chinese poet during the Northern Song dynasty. He was a native of Qiántáng (錢塘)(today Zhèjiāng Hángzhōu 浙江杭州). Lin was one of the most famous verse masters and poets of his time. He lived in solitary by the West Lake (西湖) in Hangzhou (杭州) for much of his later life. An old plum tree and a crane kept him company. Lin regarded the old plum tree as his wife and the crane as his son (梅妻鶴子). He writings were collected in Lín Héjìng Shī Jí (林和靖詩集).

Professor WONG Wai Cheong (黃維琩教授) (1902 – 1993), zi (字) Xīn Yuán (欣園), hao (號) Zǐ Shí (子實) was a well-known Chinese literature scholar and Calligrapher. Coming from an educated family, Mr Wong graduated from Guangzhou Zhongshan University (中山大學) with degrees. He was both a lawyer and a certified accountant and held senior positions in the Guangzhou government. Mr Wong migrated to Hong Kong around the 1950s and taught at various secondary and tertiary education institutions. His contributions to Chinese education were significant. He had publications of his own poems and lecture notes.

This piece of calligraphy was executed on a hand-held fan (扇子 or 摺扇). It is used to induce an airflow for cooling or refreshing oneself. The double layer of paper (扇面) is mounted on slats which revolve around a pivot so that it can be closed when not in use.


Further readings : ( 五代董源夏景山口待渡图卷)

黄維琩教授書法選輯 (1994) 鑑古書學社



Professor WONG Wai Cheong writing a Poem of Yuan Jie (元結) in running script




Giān lǐ fēng lín yān yǔ shēn , Wú zhāo wú mù yǒu yuán yín.
Tíng ráo jìng tīng qū zhōng yì , Hǎo shì yún shān sháo huò yīn.

: 船 boat

好是:真是。是舜樂,是湯樂。元結有《補樂歌》十首,其八小序說:“大,有虞氏之樂歌也。” 又其十小序說:“大,有殷氏之樂歌也。” 全句的意思是,這曲子真是雲山之中的韶、濩似的樂曲。

Seals : Wong (Huang) 黃 (朱紋), Xīn Yuán zhǎng nián 欣園長秊(年) (朱紋)


This is the third of the series of five Āi nǎi (欸乃) poems. They were written in 767CE.

Āi nǎi (欸乃) was some folk songs sang by boatmen / fishermen in the water among Húnán (湖南), Guǎng Xī (廣西) and Guì Zhōu (貴州).

欸乃:拔船的聲音。一說是湖南、廣西以及貴州三省交界廣大地方山歌末尾時用高亢嗓音喊唱出來的一聲號子。元結自註:“欸乃:棹舡之聲。” 欸乃曲:即“山歌”或“船歌”的別稱。


The poet was on his boat journey sailing upstream from Zhǎng Shā (長沙) back to Dào Zhōu (道州). The maple forests by the side of the river are picturesque. In addition to the sounds of monkeys in the mornings and evenings, the singing of the boatmen echoed among the poetic scene. However, the water in the river was rapid and the journey was rough. The 5 poems were impromptu work to encourage the boatman to persevere with their heavy work.


Yuan Jie (元結) (719-772), also known as Cì Shān (次山), Màn Láng (漫郎) and Ao Sǒu (聱叟) was a famous poet in the Tang Dynasty. He was a native of Henan (河南). Yuan passed his imperial Chin-shih examination (登進士第) in 753 and was granted some posts in the government. He fought against Shǐ Sīmíng rebels (史思明叛軍) and was promoted to the post of Governor of Dào zhōu (道州刺史). Yuan has many merits. His poems reflect the harsh lives of the people and the evil and corruption of the government. He spoke out for the people. His poems of sceneries (山水詩作) were fresh and innovative. Unfortunately many of his writings have been lost. Scholars in the Ming Dynasty collated his works into Yuán Cì-shān Jí (元次山集).


Professor WONG Wai Cheong (黃維琩教授) (1902 – 1993), zi (字) Xīn Yuán (欣園), hao (號) Zǐ Shí (子實) was a well-known Chinese literature scholar and Calligrapher. Coming from a highly educated family, Mr Wong graduated from Guangzhou Zhongshan University (中山大學) with degrees. He was both a lawyer and a certified accountant and he held senior positions in the Guangzhou government. Mr Wong migrated to Hong Kong around the 1950s and taught at various secondary and tertiary education institutions. His contributions to Chinese education were significant. He had publications of his own poems and lecture notes.


The format of this long and narrow scroll is known as qín tiáo (琴條) or tiáo fú (條幅). The shape looks like a gǔ qin (古琴) hung vertically on a wall.


Further readings :

黄維琩教授書法選輯 (1994) 鑑古書學社




Happy Mother’s Day



游子吟  Yóu Zǐ Yín (Poem of a Wanderer) by Mèng Jiāo (孟郊) (751—814)


慈母手中線, 遊子身上衣。

Cí mǔ shǒu zhōng xiàn, yóu zǐ shēn shang yī.

My loving mother stretches a needle and thread in her hand.

She is making clothes for her departing son.



Lín xíng mì mi fèng, yì kǒng chí chí guī.

Stitch by stitch, she sews them very tightly,

Fearing that her son will not be back for a long time.



Shuí yán cùn cǎo xīn, bào dé sān chūn huī.

How could the grateful humble inch-tall grass

Ever repay the nurturing Spring Sun.


Mèng Jiāo (孟郊)(751—814) also known as Mèng Dōng Yě (孟東野) was a scholar and a poet. He was a native of Hú Hōu (湖州) (now Zhè Jiāng 浙江). Mèng suffered from lots of hardship and he did not succeed in his imperial Chin-shih examination (登進士第) until the late age of 46 and been a small official.

Little young grass grows toward the warm spring sunlight. Mother’s love is like the Spring Sun, warm and comfortable but not violently hot. Nothing can repay the love of our mothers. The 42 words poem does not contain the word ‘tears’ but it is deeply moving. It conveys strong emotions.


Further readings : (慈母手中线)

Happy Mother’s Day

IMG_0308 (876x1280)


Jī Xuě Níng Hán Tie 積雪凝寒帖 and Kuài xuě shí qíng tiē 快雪時晴帖 by Wang Xizhi (王羲之)

Jī Xuě Níng Hán Tie 積雪凝寒帖 (Cao Shu 草書)(cursive script)



The images of ink rubbings have been photographical modified, with black and white reversed so that the characters are black on a white background.

Jī Xuě Níng Hán Tie 積雪凝寒帖

計與足下別廿六年, 於今雖時書問, 不解闊懷。

Counting back I have not seen you for 26 years. While we write to each other from time to time, I still miss you very much.

省足下先後二書, 但增嘆慨。

After reading your two recent letters, I feel even more sorrowful (in not being able to see you).


Snow has thickly accumulated. (There had been heavy snowfall.) The weather is extremely cold. It has not been that cold for the last 50 years.

想頃如常, 冀來夏秋間, 或復得足下問耳。

I hope you are keeping well. I expect to hear from you sometime next Summer and Autumn.

 比者悠悠 ,如何可言。

Time flows on steadily. I do not know what to say about my gloomy feelings.

For further information on Shi Qi Tie, please visit the following webpage.

Cursive script: Shi Qi Tie (The Seventeenth) of Wang Xizhi 王羲之十七帖 (Part 1)


Kuài xuě shí qíng tiē 快雪時晴帖 (Xing Shū 行書)(semi-cursive script or running script)

Even these 3 words are not linked together, they echo with one another as a piece.
Kuài xuě shí qíng tiē 快雪時晴帖

The text:   羲之頓首快雪時晴佳想安善未果為結力不次王羲之頓首山陰張侯

頓首 mean bowing one’s head and is a courteous sign-off of letters. 羲之頓首 means Xizhi bows.  山陰張侯 Zhāng hóu of Shānyīn is the recipient of this letter.


The snow has fallen for a short time and it is sunny now. ( 剛才下了一陣雪,現在天又轉晴了。)


I trust you are keeping well. (想必你那裡一切都好吧!)


I have not finished writing the letter to fully express my thoughts. (沒能照心意把信寫完,表達難以得體。)


I felt helpless and inadequate. (心有餘而力不足。) OR  I felt weak. I could not express myself probably. I had to stop writing. (體力不繼,表達難以得體,就此停筆。)

At the very end of the manuscript, there is a very small inscription of two characters ‘Jūn qiàn’ (君倩).

The calligraphy of Wang Xizhi was fresh, elegant and innovative.

Please see two more detailed webpages on these two masterpieces by Wang Xizhi.

Bibliography and further readings :

蔣勳 (2010) 手帖 南朝嵗月,  INK 印刻文學生活雜誌出版有限公司 ISBN 978-986-6377-94-5

Ouyang Z and Wen C.F. (2008) Chinese Calligraphy, Yale University Press, ISBN 978-0-300-12107-0