Retrospective Painting Exhibition of Ms Susan LEE Shu-Shing 李祖升老師

Susan LEE Shu-Shing Retrospective Exhibition 李祖升國畫回顧展覽

Chinese Cultural Centre, Chatswood 車士活中華文化中心

2016.11.12 (Saturday) to 11.21 (Monday)

Ms Susan LEE Shu-Shing is a native of Shandong and grew up in Taiwan. She studied Calligraphy, both Chinese and western painting, seal carving and photography with famous teachers and scholars.

Ms Lee taught fine art at high schools, art schools, tertiary institutions in Taiwan. She migrated to Sydney around 1990 and has been teaching Chinese painting at Christian Coummunity Aid (CCA), Eastwood weekly for more than 20 years without remuneration. She has taught innumerable students and her service to the fine art education and to the Chinese Community in Sydney is enormous.


李祖升女士, 山東黃縣人, 成長於台灣, 是當代少數知名的傳統水墨畫家. 先後曾受教於多位名師, 研習國畫, 西畫, 書法, 篆刻及攝影.

她天資慧穎和勤奮,其所繪花鳥, 溫和親切. 所畫之作品,無不佈局合理,濃淡自然, 一瓣一葉, 莫不渾如天成, 筆致充滿韻律之美. 又擅繪山水, 簡約有韻, 筆境超逸, 自成一格.

李女士從事藝術四十餘載,從事藝術教育工作亦二十餘年. 先後任教於台灣中學和專科藝術學校. 移民澳洲悉尼後, 於伊士活基督教華人社區成人教育中心義務教國畫. 桃李滿門, 極受學生愛戴.

在台灣時, 曾先後應邀參加國內和海外國畫聯展暨國展多次, 足跡遍及美加, 馬來西亞, 香港及韓國, 廣受好評, 獲獎無數.

來澳洲後,亦屢獲獎狀. 曾舉行多次師生國畫展覽和個人畫展. 相隔十四年後,祖升女士再提供畢生佳作以饗各界同好, 歡迎觀賞指教.

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Credits: Sing Tao Daily (Australian Edition) 29-30 October, 2016
Credits: Sing Tao Daily (Australian Edition) 9 November 2016
Credits: Sing Tao Daily (Australian Edition) 17 November 2016
Credits: Sing Tao Daily (Australian Edition) 17 November 2016



Aerial View of Estuaries in Northern Territory

Flight Path of QF127 (Courtesy of Qantas Airways Ltd)
Flight Path of QF127 (Courtesy of Qantas Airways Ltd)
Reference: Slade, Barry (1992) Capricornia Country, Angus & Robertson

On 12 October 2016 on my way from Sydney to Hong Kong on QF127, I saw the magnificent aerial view of estuaries into the sea in Northern Territories. The views  are breathtaking. The rivers with their branches and sub-branches look like the feet and claws of a dragon. The land is in various colours of brown, yellow, beige and white. Soft and harmonious pastel colours are excellent media to draw these amazing views.





A Request:

I should be most grateful if anyone can help me identify some of the geographic features of the river mouths. Your guidance will be greatly appreciated.