Ink rubbing of Ode to Shimen (石門頌), length:  261 cm, width 205 cm

Ode to Shimen (Shí Mén Sòng)(石門頌) was created during the Eastern Han dynasty in 148 AD in memory of the government official YANG Meng-wen (楊孟文) who was credited with the repairing and re-opening of the once blocked major pathway of Baoyedao (褒斜道) to the western part of the country.

Before the reopening of major pathway, travellers had to take other narrower and dangerous pathways through the deep valleys full of perilous steep boulders, wild beasts, venom snakes and thick vegetation. Many wagons loaded with goods fell off from these hazardous pathways and even empty wagons had difficulties in passing through.

Yang, against his opponents in the government, appealed to the Emperor to repair Baoyedao pathway. The Emperor agreed and commanded Yang to be in charge of the project. The broken bridges at Shimen (石門) were repaired. The pathway was widened.  People rejoiced and praised Yang for his contribution.

My copy of the full text of the stele is as follows.






其辭曰: 君德明明,炳煥彌光。刺過拾遺,厲清八荒。奉魁承杓,綏億衙(御)彊(强)。春宣聖恩,秋貶若霜。無偏蕩蕩,貞雅以方。寧靜烝庶,政與乾通。輔主匡君,循禮有常。咸曉地理,知世紀綱。言必忠義,匪石厥章。囗(恢)弘大節,讜而益明。揆往卓今,謀合朝情。醳艱即安,有勳有榮。禹鑿龍門,君其繼縱。上順斗極,下答()皇。自南自北,四海攸通。君子安樂,庶士悅㢕。商人咸憘,農夫永同。春秋記異,今而紀功。垂流億載,世世嘆誦。

序曰: 明哉仁知(智),豫識難易。原度天道,安危所歸。勤勤竭誠,榮名休麗。





Appreciation of the characters

The brush work of the characters is both spontaneous and respectful of the conventional calligraphic rules. Variation in the density of strokes and their positioning also adds interest to the unique appearance of this engraving. The average width of the characters is about 8 cm. The length of the characters varies from about 2 cm to 10 cm or even more.

The characters were carved on the surface of a rugged cliff which was not flat.
a few characters carved on the cliff surface
The ink rubbing of the above characters

The last stroke of the character 命 on the ink rubbing is exceptionally long.

The character was carved near a crevice or fissure on the rock. No more characters could be carved below it. Therefore, the elongation of the last stroke might be due to erosion of the rock.

There was space for characters under the character in the second column, but there was none because the characters 高祖 Gaozu (the Emperor) had to be raised to the top of the next column to show respect.


俞丰 (2009) 經典碑帖釋文譯注, 上海書畫出版社 , ISBN 978-7-80725-846-9

Ouyang Z S, W C Fong, Y F Wang (2008) Chinese Calligraphy, Yale University, ISBN 978-0-300-12107-0