



Spring couplets (春聯 ) are usually seen on the sides of doors leading to people’s homes or as hanging scrolls in an interior. They used as a New Year’s decoration that expresses happy and hopeful thoughts for the coming year. They are usually written on red paper, the colour of happiness.

Originating from around 600 CE and flourishing during the last thousand year, spring couplets remain an enduring aspect of Chinese culture.

 年納餘慶 嘉節號長春 (隸書) 印章 :長春 (朱文長方印), 蕭燿漢印 (朱紋方印)

新年納餘慶 嘉節號長春 (隸書)
印章 :長春 (朱文長方印), 蕭燿漢印 (朱紋方印)

May you in the new year receive a lot of blessings

The auspicious festival is called “ever-spring”


春秋長樂 福壽咸增 (隸書) 印章 : 延年 (朱文長方印), 蕭燿漢 (白紋方印)
春秋長樂 福壽咸增 (隸書)
印章 : 延年 (朱文長方印), 蕭燿漢 (白紋方印)

Forever joy throughout spring and autumn

Perpetual increments of blessing and longevity

令節同歡 開年長樂
令節同歡 開年長樂
印章 : 信望愛 (白紋長方印), 倬雲(朱紋方印)

Sharing happiness in festivals

Forever happiness in the beginning of the new year



三陽啓泰 五福臨門
三陽啓泰 五福臨門
(左: 粉紅色虎皮紙,  右: 紅色宣紙)

The Three suns initiate an era of prosperity

The Five Blessings arrive at the household


春條 :

新年常樂 萬事如意
新年常樂 萬事如意 (楷書, 擬歐陽詢字)

Always happy throughout the new year

Everything fulfills expectations


萬象更新 國泰民安 (楷書, 擬歐陽詢字)
萬象更新 國泰民安 (楷書, 擬歐陽詢字)

Everything looks fresh and gay

May the Country prosperous and the people enjoy peace


雅俗共賞的春條 :

恭喜發財 開工大吉
恭喜發財 開工大吉

Congratulations and may you become wealthy

Wish you good luck when you go back to work (after the New Year Holidays)


單字春貼 :

福 (擬禮器碑字)
福 (擬禮器碑字)
印章 : 蕭 (朱文方印), 倬雲(白紋方印)

Happiness, blessing


福 (擬泰山金剛經字)
福 (擬泰山金剛經字)

Happiness, blessing


福 (擬歐陽詢字)
福 (擬歐陽詢字)

Happiness, blessing


Various styles over the years:

歷代前賢寫福字 (一)
歷代前賢寫福字 (一)


歷代前賢寫福字 (二)
歷代前賢寫福字 (二)


歷代前賢寫福字 (三)
歷代前賢寫福字 (三)


During 2015 Chinese New Year, Patrick’s mini-couplet was on display at the Art Gallery of NSW.

img_8777 (1280x960)
春秋長樂 福壽咸增 (隸書) Forever joy throughout spring and autumn; Perpetual increments of blessing and longevity.


I wish to thank Professor P. Lam for his continued guidance and support.

文字資料出自 :



2 thoughts on “Patrick Siu – Couplets for Chinese New Year 春貼 (春聯,揮春)

  1. Thank you for sharing the different types of aesthetically and pleasing Calligraphy and the history of the couplets. All the brushworks of the couplets are grandeur and excellent. It is a shame that I am not good in Chinese Calligraphy.



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